
Saturday 15 August 2015

Travels to turkey

I spent the last 2 weeks on a family vaycay in Kalkan, Turkey with my mum, dad and younger brother. The weather was amazing and I finally got to put on some of the summer clothes that I had bought at the start of the season - summer in Scotland has been virtually non existent this year sigh-. It had it all from beach clubs, boat trips, water taxis and can we just take a minute to talk about the food, omg. I never had a bad meal the whole 2 weeks we were away although I feel like I have put on about half a stone in weight but tbh it isn't really my fault the bread they put on the table before your meal is literally calling my name no lie. Anyways, I hope you are all having a good summer even if the weather in the UK isn't quite on par with the Med it's still been pretty good right??
