
Saturday 20 December 2014

First semester: First Year: Finished

So I haven't posted on here in ages and ages but I was caught up with uni course work and exams ((which I have now finished woo)) and just life in general really, but I'm back and I'll be trying to post more regularly again. So yeh, as the title suggests I have now finished my first semester of first year of university which has flown by. In September I moved out of my family home into Halls of Residence, where I knew absolutely no-one. Now I class some of these people as my best friends- crazy huh? A lot has changed over the past few months, but I'm a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason' -I'm a sucker for a cliché- and as for now, life is pretty darn good. I just thought I'd post this little update instead of jumping straight back into the normal blog posts, to explain my absence. I had good reason I promise. Here's some snaps of first semester, from freshers to food to fireworks and halloween we packed a lot in to our first months in Glasgow, here's to plenty more things to come.