Sup guys'
So the lovely Rachael over at has nominated me to do this award, which is great as I'm still a total newbie to blogging with a mere 10 posts. I'm honestly surprised//ecstatic that one person is reading my blog, I seriously ramble on and on I'm not sure how you can put up with me. There I go rambling on again ((sorry!!))
Below are the rules so if I have nominated you, or you're not sure what to do then here you go;
- You must display the award logo at the top of the post!
- You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post!
- You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do!
- You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post (yes more facts haha)
- You must nominate 15 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post!
- You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated!
- You must follow back the person who nominated you on GFC (I don't use this) and Bloglovin
So here I go with my 7 facts...
1) I'm currently in my first year ((and first semester)) at the University of Glasgow, I'm currently studying History, History of Art and Politics as I am a first year I take 3 subjects, and if all goes to plan I will graduate in 2018.
2) I'm a reality TV addict. You name it I watch it; Made in Chelsea, The Only Way is Essex and anything by the Kardashians. No shame.
3) I still have no idea what I want to do as a career, and that's ok. There is plenty of time for me to figure that out later, for now I'm just enjoying university which is already flying by. But at the moment I would love to work in the media or in fashion industry.
4) I'm currently living in a big city, however I'm a real country girl at heart. I grew up ((and only just moved away from)) the sea and the countryside, it's a real contrast and I love the buzz of the city, but I really appreciate the sea breeze in my hair and the smell of the farmers fields when I'm home.
5) My dog is the cutest dog in the whole world. I kid you not.
6) I've only been to one festival; 2012 T in the Park which was insane. Can't wait to add more to the list.
7) I have such a varied music taste- rap to rock to cheesy pop. You name it and I probably like it.
Okay so now I nominate;